Board of Directors Approved 09/06/01
August 2, 2001

Present: Chesarek, Gemmer, Fell, Forristall, Koch, Bond, Anthony, Brooks, Olsen, Capozzo, Sottana

Excused: French, Varady

Guest: Members: Chris Somers, Dan Martini

The meeting commenced at 6:35 p.m.

Minutes of July 2, 2001
Gemmer motioned to approve, Anthony seconded. The motion carried.

Treasurer's Report

Capozzo will review menu prices and report to the Board. There was a
discussion to increase menu prices five to seven percent.

Membership Sales & Notations
Olsen motioned to approve Prospective Members William Drake and David & Kelly Dagul.

Anthony seconded. The motion carried.

The Board took note of one reduction in the selling price of a membership and
one notice to sell. These notices will be effective for sale August 3, 2001.


Greens: A discussion on surveying areas of GVCC property.

Condo pathway to GVCC: The asphalt is deteriorating on the path. Carts are
going off the path and into the grass to avoid the area. The Board forwarded
the condo cart path and par three sign issues to the Building & Grounds
Committee for review.

House: See Motions

Membership: The committees recommendation for a tennis membership: $3,500 initiation fee for a tennis membership. Offer 20 tennis memberships for sale. Prospective applicants must be a new member.
This class of membership would have the same privileges as associate memberships. Tennis memberships cannot be re-sold. $3,000 of the initiation fee can be credited toward a proprietary membership. The Board would like the tennis and membership committee to meet with the finance committee for recommendations on all fees. Gemmer will relay the message to the tennis and membership liaisons.

Brooks requested a daily use report of the pool at the next Board meeting.

Finance: The Board requested that the Finance Committee make a recommendation for the investment of the excess C.I.F. funds. Olsen requested to be notified on the next Finance meeting. The Board requested that their finance package include a list of all accounts, balances and financial institutions where funds are deposited.

Election of Nominating Committee
Gene West Russ Albers
Ken Freer Lou Varvello
Linda Feldman

Alternates: Marsha Hughes, Jim Blohm and Gil Walker

Koch motioned to approve, Anthony seconded. The motion carried.


House Committee:

Chairperson Nelson requested the release of the $25,000
allotted for the Terrace acoustical issue to be used for further club
decorations. Bond motioned to approve, Fell seconded. The motion carried.

Non Resident Member Program - Chris Somers Somers requested the Board to consider a reduction in dues and to waive the food and beverage minimum spending for members who temporarily move out of the area but wish to retain their membership. Somers presented a list of some NEB club's that offer this type of program to their members. The Board respectfully declined his request. Due to Somers paying in full the 1998 Building Fund assessment, Bond motioned to waive the 1998 Building Fund assessment of $66.00 per month which all new members pay should Somers sell his membership and repurchase at a later date. This motion applies only
to this due, not to others that may occur. Somers will be subject to the current purchase process at the time of application. Anthony seconded. The motion carried.

Fiancé Privileges - Dan Martini
Martini requested the Board to consider granting membership privileges to a fiance or significant other. Many clubs in the area have implemented this policy due to changing lifestyles. Members would be financially responsible for all debt associated with the fiancé/significant other. Bond motioned to send this request to the By-Laws Committee to see if there is a need to re-define the word "spouse" to extend member privileges to another. Anthony seconded. The motion carried 7-1.

Viking Components: Requesting a foursome including carts for their fundraiser held at GVCC on August 20, 2001. Koch motioned to approve, Anthony seconded. The motion carried.

**Wellness Community: Requesting a foursome of golf including carts to be used as a prize for their fundraiser. Koch motioned to approve, Gemmer seconded. The motion carried.

Phoenix Foundation: Requesting a foursome including lunch to be used as a prize for their fundraiser. Anthony motioned to approve, Bond seconded. The motion was declined.

**After a discussion on the number of yearly requests for donations, the Board decided they will only consider requests for local events or events which are held at Green Valley Country Club. Olsen motioned to reconsider
and cancel the Wellness Community request. Brooks seconded the motion carried 6-2.

Member Correspondence: A member requested that the Club develop a monthly report to update members on membership sales. Management will look into posting information on the website.

Minimum Selling Price of Memberships: Anthony motioned to raise the minimum to $25,000. Olsen seconded and amended the motion to $25,500. The motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted, Jeff Olsen, Secretary

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